
  • Fun With Terminal Text in C

    I have always thought it was cool when a program like wget would show you ‘visually’ on a command console how much longer a file would take to download, essentially an ASCII progress bar. The message was ASCII graphics really, and would have some movement to it – I always wondered how you could achieve…

  • Linux DF Command Examples

    Ever wondered how much space you have left on your hard drive? Cannot remember what file format your partitions are? You can use the Linux df command to get some of this data. This article will give you the heads up on df. 1. Display Disk Usage Using df The example above shows the basic output of the…

  • Backing Up Your MySQL Database from Command Line

    If you find yourself in the unfortunate position of losing all your data from a dead hard drive or non-posting server you immediately realize…hey, I should have backed up my data! Well here are a few steps to backup specific databases within MySQL, or your entire database. I am assuming you have your database password…

  • How To Split Files For Easy Transferring

    I recently ran into the problem of having this very large file and no ‘fast’ way of transferring it to another computer. Over Wireless it was calculated to take upwards of four hours to transfer (due to weak signal etc.), but I had a 4 GB USB key that I could use. The problem was…

  • Makefile Examples To Compile A Linux Kernel Module

    A huge benefit of Linux is the design of the kernel. Kernel modules break out pieces of code that provide support and functionality for hardware and software on your system. These pieces can be loaded and unloaded on the fly without requiring a reboot to the system. From a programming standpoint this also makes it…